Friday, February 17, 2012

Love and Relationships: Recognizing True Love When You Find ItYou

True love has four hallmarks. When you find a relationship that holds all of them, treasure and nurture it because that relationship holds the seeds to a happy and fulfilling life for you and your partner. The four keys to true love are faith, trust, honesty and respect. How do they fit into building a loving relationship with one special person?

When you truly love someone, you respect them for who they are at this very moment. You don?t imagine that they will become some fantasy of your perfect person, and you are not consumed with changing them into the person you can love. It is not possible to have true love without shared respect for one another. Before all else, cultivate respect for the people in your life. You?ll find it that much easier to find love when you respect others for being who they are.


True love requires that you trust your partner implicitly. We all come into relationships with baggage ? disappointments and past failures that inform the way we view others and ourselves. Sometimes that baggage places the heavy weight of suspicion on your shoulders. No relationship can survive suspicion and remain happy and healthy. If you cannot trust that the person with whom you want to spend your life, then either you or they are not the right person. Look carefully at your relationships with those around you. If you find that you are ?naturally? suspicious of others, consider it a failing in yourself. Before you can find true love, you must learn how to trust others. If you cannot trust, you will not be capable of accepting real love when it is offered to you.


Honesty is the cornerstone of both love and trust. Being honest is more than ?telling the truth?. It involves being an honest and genuine self. You must be honest with yourself and the world, and present yourself honestly as the person that you are. If you are presenting a fa?ade to the world, you will never be able to trust that anyone truly loves you. You will always wonder how someone can love you when they don?t know the true you. When you present yourself honestly, you?ll never have to wonder.

The final cornerstone of true love is shared faith. For many, that faith is belief in the same God. For others, it is faith in shared values and beliefs. That shared faith lays the foundation for an entire life, built together to last forever.

When you find true love, you?ll recognize it by its hallmarks. Look for the four keys to true love and you?ll find that special relationship that will inform your entire life with joy and fulfillment.


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