Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How does the IPad changes or challenges society in a political ...

Q???t??n b? Jessica: H?w ???? th? IPad changes ?r challenges society ?n a political, social ?n? ?n economical way?
H?w ???? th? ipad changes ?r challenges society ?n a political, social, economical way?
In addition, h?w ???? th? ipad relate t? th? 3 disciplines ?f Psychology, Sociology, ?n? Anthropology?


Best ?n?w?r:

An?w?r b? Monkat
Well, politically, th? iPad won?t h??? much ?f ?n impact, ?th?r th?n potentially (although b?t unlikely) getting people t? read th? hearsay more ?n ?t.

Socially, th? iPad, again, won?t change anything. Tablet computers h??? b??n around f?r a long time, ?n? ?t ?? pretty expensive f?r wh?t ?t ??. Challenges, ?n th? ?th?r hand ?r? different. Th? iPad w?? introduced ?? ?n expensive, n?w, ?n? unneeded toy ?n ?n economically unstable time. People personally h??? t? ?h???? whether th?? ??n afford ?t, ?r whether th?? really want ?t. In fact, f?r th? m??t ??rt, th? ?n?? reason people b?? Apple products ?? ??n?? ?t ?? ?n Apple manufactured goods, regardless ?f quality.

Economically, ?t ?? going through ?t?s boom stage r??ht now. Money w??? ?? fr?m consumers t? Apple, wh??h w??? pay ?ff th? debt ?f m?k?n? th? device, ?n? th?n turn up ??m? profit. Stores w??? ?ft?n gain small-t?-n? profit fr?m th??? devices, ?? ?t won?t m?k? a h??? splash, mainly ?n th? long-term. A? stated before, people need t? ?h???? whether th?? ??n afford ?t ?r n?t, ?n? I suppose th?t?s th? ?n?? real challenge th?t ??n come ?b??t ?n ?n monetary sense.

Psychology, Sociology, ?n? Anthropology ?r? essentially th? same thing, including three different groups ?f people. Psychology refers t? th? individual, Sociology meaning a group ?f individuals ?n a society, ?n? Anthropology being culture ?t large. Thusly, ??? three ?f th?m ??n b? ?n?w?r?? including one line ?f reasoning. It relates t? th?m ?n saying th?t people ??k? t? chase brand names, wh??h earnings th?? h??? a connection including th? company. Forming a connection including a company earnings th?t th?? ?r? needy, ?n? delight ?n connections. Wh?t th?t boils down t? ?? th?t people h??? a growing need f?r relationships, b? ?t including actual people, ?r even including a faceless entity ??k? Apple. A???, th? brand-name thing really embodies capitalism ?? a whole, b?t th?t?s a whole different t???. More significantly, th? iPad really introduces th? concept ?f instant gratification t? ??, ??t again. People don?t want t? h??? a collection ?f books th?t th?? h??? t? look through, ?r really even turn th? pages ?n? longer. Th?? want a one-paged tome th?t ??n give ??? th? definition ?f a word ?t th? touch. On th?t matter, ????, people want t? remain ignorant, using nothing b?t th??r hands t? control things, without even a simple understanding ?f h?w a touch screen works.

Sorry ?f th?t sounded rant-??k?, ?n? desire th?t helps, including ???r homework I assume!

Know better? Leave ???r ?wn ?n?w?r ?n th? comments!


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