Thursday, July 7, 2011

This Gay Relationship: Thought for the Day, #23

"Love is love." ?What we need is "...heteros to show up on...behalf [of gay and lesbian people] and say, hey, look, these are my people you're trying to discriminate against. ?You can keep your religion and your church, you can keep your ideologies in your home. ?But, when it comes to the civil arena, when it comes to civil constructs, their citizenship is every bit as valid as yours or mine."
?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --Jeff Wilfahrt, grieving father

Wilfahrt's son, Andrew, was killed in Afghanistan earlier this year. ?Andrew was 31 years old and gay. ?He confirmed to his parents everyone he fought next to knew he was gay and didn't care one way or the other.

Andrew's parents have taken up the fight for the right of gay and lesbian people to marry legally in their home state of Minnesota.

They are incensed that their son was good enough to lay down his life for his country, but, if he'd had a same-sex partner, they couldn't have been legally married. ?In addition, Andrew's partner couldn't have claimed his ashes and wouldn't have received the $100,000 compensation issued by the U.S. government.

My sincere thanks to Aries Boy in Indonesia for bringing this story to my attention. ?Everyone must know about Cpl. Andrew Wilfahrt. ?For his full story, please click here. ? ??? ? ? ?


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